Monday, November 9, 2020

Week 78 - From Now On

My last week was one of the best and hardest weeks probably ever. And let me tell you, out of all of the difficult things I've gone through out here, going home has been the hardest.

Christian og Josephine: Great eating appointment with a newlywed couple in the ward. It went just about how you would imagine an eating appointment with a newlywed couple would go; lots of lasagna, and lots of pda. They were super nice tho and we even roleplayed a lesson with them. It was cool to see how you can feel the Spirit even when it's not a real lesson.

Splits with Hepworth: Love her oh my gosh. She and her comp came up and we got to have one last hurrah working in Lyngby together. Found some chill people and ate some blue taco and I cried so much saying goodbye to her. I want that redheaded Russian in my life forever.

Roskilde Blitz: Had a fun splits in Roskilde, it was good to see everyone there. I got to be with the newly baptized member Natasja, and it was super cool to hear her story! It was fun to knock with her. Also went on splits with Celine and Mikala this week. Super fun.

Elsker hver andre: A 99 year Jehovah's Witness ripped us to shreds on Friday. Shut up Mette.

En gammel ven: Okay on Sunday we walked into the church and I went to hang my coat up and guess who I see?? None other than freaking Søren from Slagelse!!! I lost my shiz. I love that man. Søster DeLange and I went running over and he greated us with his classic elbow bump.

We had a good chat about Slagelse and the work down there, and then I told him I'd be leaving on Tuesday. He was so bummed haha. He then grabbed my shoulder and peered over my back,
"Aww, you got your wings!" He said.

Lol my heart melted. Love him.

Then there was this awkward moment where Lars, our current mission leader came walking over so he could get us for coordination meeting.. and they lowkey fought over us. Lol.

Kage hos familien Lindberg: Last night before going knocking we dropped by the Lindberg's place, honestly such homies. I love them so much. Anne Marie made pastries and rolls and we had a nice goodbye. Bishop and Christoffer told stories about going home and there favorite areas, and we had a great talk about our grattitude for the Savior.

Den sidste find grind: We had a great finding day Sunday night. Gave out two Book of Mormons, got a phone number, and made two appointments. We were able to complete our streak of giving out at least one Book of Mormon everyday of my last week, so that was sick. Stopping that last person and knocking on that last door honestly didn't feel real. But I felt a lot of gratitude and at the end of it all it was a really happy day.

This scripture hit me really hard this week:

"And the days of the children of men were prolonged, according to the will of God, that they might repent while in the flesh; wherefore, their state became a state of probation, and their time was lengthened, according to the commandments which the Lord God gave unto the children of men. For he gave commandment that all men must repent; for he showed unto all men that they were lost, because of the transgression of their parents,"

If I were to sum up the biggest lesson I learned on my mission, it would be this:

The whole purpose of this life is to repent. We can't return to God or find happiness in sin. But we also can't repent by ourselves. It is literally impossible for you or me to earn or even deserve heaven. We need our Savior Jesus Christ. We need his mercy, forgiveness, and grace.

Everyone around us needs him to, sometimes they just don't know it yet. That's why it's so important that we share our what we know, and that's why missionary work is important work.

With that, I would like to invite you all to do three things:

1) Repent daily
2) Remember your Savior
3) Share your testimony of Him

"And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!"

Thanks for everything, Love you all.

Med et smil på hendes ansigt og et hjerte fyldte med kærlighed, For one last time,

Søster Felt🇩🇰🦋

Monday, November 2, 2020

Week 77 - Lord, I Would Follow Thee

Another week for the books honestly.

We had two friends at church which was a needed miracle. Jørgen and Jørgen. Such homies. They really enjoyed the meeting and one of them is going to be eating dinner with out mission leader Lars this week.

We also had an eating appointment with a member from the Philippines. OH MY GOSH THEY DO FOOD SO RIGHT. She even invited a friend. That was so sick. We taught her about the Book of Mormon and gave one to her, and we're planning on meeting up with her this week.

I also went on splits with sister Paras, an old comp of mine. I respect her so much. I loved seeing her confidence when we were out contacting and knocking doors. I barely had to say anything 😂 I loved supporting her and seeing how strong of a missionary she has become.

While we were out contacting in Roskilde, it started raining really hard. We found ourselves in a park, and thought, "Wow, there's definitely going to be nobody here," but we decided to keep trying and have faith. And there was a woman walking through the park who had recently lost her daughter and really needed to hear about the Plan of Salvation! It was bomb. We got her number and we were so pumped.

Okay: and the other day, I read in the Book of Mormon in Ether 2. In this story, the Brother of Jared is going to be traveling with his family and they need light. He goes to the Lord and prays to ask for his help. God answers, "Well, what would you like me to do, so that you can have light?" And the brother of Jared comes up with his own plan and asks the Lord for help with it. I think that's a story we can all use and apply in our daily lives. Instead of begging God to solve everything for us, sometimes we need to come up with a solution ourselves and pray that God will assist us in our efforts.

I know that God lives and loves you. Do believe me? Give him a call. He'll answer. I know that too.

Anyways, love you all en helt masse. Gud være med dig til vi ses igen.

Med kærlig hilsen og en knust men taknemmelig hjerte,

Søster Felt🇩🇰🦋

Monday, October 26, 2020

Week 76 - Last Time for Everything

Mormon 3:12 "Behold, I had led them, notwithstanding their wickedness I had led them many times to battle, and had loved them, according to the love of God which was in me, with all my heart; and my soul had been poured out in prayer unto my God all the day long for them; nevertheless, it was without faith, because of the hardness of their hearts."

Kære Danmark,

After all this time, it has occurred to me, that I have never taken the time to really tell you how much I love you. I know I complain about your weather sometimes and boast about my homegirl USA, but when I say this I mean it: I really do love you.

I love your cute quirky mis shaped buildings and colorful walls.

I love the way you somehow make sunshine and rain happen all at the same time.

I love the smell of fresh pastries baking during a 7am jog through the city.

I love the sound of church bells and sailboats in the harbor echoing through the streets.

I love flower filled springs and thunder filled falls.

I love your harsh dark winters and your endless sunshine summers.

I love how much you love black licorice, even though I will never understand it.

I love the way you make sure you have your arms around eachother as you walk down the street, and the way you hold hands with your mom no matter how old you are.

I love your classy peacoats and trashy bowlcuts.

I love the way the streets go quiet on a Saturday evening, and everyone is at home eating dinner with their families.

I love the way you pear around your door, with your round glasses and pointed nose, and find a way to chuckle about this situation you don't understand.

I love the way that you all pray in your hearts, even though you live in a community where being faithful isn't easy.

I guess I could go on and on, but my time with you hasn't ended yet. Thank you for everything you have given me,


Søster Felt

Knocking in the Rain: Last night we needed to get one more hour of finding to meet our goal. Welp we had super busy all day long, it was dark outside, and pouring rain. So what did we do? We girded up our loans and got to knocking. It felt amazing. Love. It. Everyone was literally so confused and no one was interested, but we think our trek in the rain will leave a mark.

Knocking the Dorms: We started knocking on the dorms in our area and og has been quite the adventure. Honestly goes a lot better and is a lot more chill. I really like it.

Psychiatrists: In our district meeting, the Zone Leaders Elder Madsen and Stowe gave a training on discerning the needs of those we are teaching. We played a game called psychiatrist, where we all chose a "problem" that we had and two of us had to ask us questions to try and figure out what our problem is. Det kunne jeg lide.

Jørgen #1: Had a lesson with this new bro Jørgen. We met him on the streets like two weeks ago and honestly he didn't seem that into it. He only gave us his email, and we were surprised when he emailed us to let us know he'd be there! We met him at the church and ended up teaching him both the Restoration and the Plan of Salvation. He really seemed to be interested in what we were saying, and said he'd be down to keep learning more. Yas Jørgen.

Service: A members grand daughter who isn't a member needed some help cleaning her house after a remodel. So we went there with the zone leaders to help her out. It went way good and I always love to see how happy and surprised people are when we come and help them.

Jørgen #2: The AP's found us this other bro Jørgen on Facebook like to weeks ago. Our lesson with him went SO GOOD. It was just one where all the words came. He has checked out a ton of different religions and is super down to learn more about our church. He says he's searching for a place where he can find peace.

Aurora: We found Aurora while out knocking the dorms. She is hilarious and smart and I freaking love her. She is from Brazil and hasn't had the best experience with religion, but she's down to listen and does believe that there is something more out there. We met with her yesterday and we ended up sitting out on the balcony of her dorm with her friend and they both just asked us TONS of questions. Really good questions too. They don't seem totally open yet, but they are down to talk and are thinking about things.

Mona Update: Mona texted us yesterday to let us know she wants to meet and start being active again. We had an appointment with her today at 12. Then she moved it to 18. Then she didn't answer our video call. Now she wants to talk in 30 minutes. Pray for us honestly

Love you all! See you in 2😉

Love, Søster Felt🇩🇰🦋

Monday, October 19, 2020

Week 75 - Clair de Lune

"..Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it,"
- 3 Nephi 24:10

A trip to the motherland:

We went to Bornholm ! on Friday where
- we had some hold ups at borders
- we got let in and taught a sweet lady about who God is!!!
- we worked in two cities. Rønne and Gudhjem. Gudhjem in Danish mens God's home, and I know why, cause it was SO pretty!
- I tried there Ice cream. Celestial to say the least.

The Fowl and the French Girl:

Earlier today as we were contacting, we stopped a young girl from France. It started off okay, like any other contact really. UNTIL out of no where a car and a duck inconveniently crossed paths about a yard away from us. The three of us stood in horror along with other passersby as we watch it lying on it's back and twitching and squirming in obvious pain.

Needless to say the contact was ruined.

We tried to awkwardly finish the conversation but this was obviously no longer the time nor the place. We ultimately opted to standing in silence.

Luckily (actually sister DeLange and I are still trying to decide if this was a good thing, it might've been more merciful to just leave it in the road for another car to find) while we were busy standing around like idiots, a simple Danish man parked his bike and gently scooped the bird up and tossed it over the the side of the road where it continued to writhe in pain.

At this point all of the passersby had decided that because the duck was closest to us in proximity, it was now our problem and they could move on. So they did.

Sister Skousen was quite concerned, and insisted we pray for the duck. She said a pray in Danish, the language that the French girl did not speak. And we excused the French girl who was also really sad about the duck, and promised her we would take care of it.

She left, and we were alone with the duck.

Now I'm not heartless or anything, but I did grow up with hunters, and I honestly all I knew to do was wring this ducks neck. I didn't know if this was a good idea tho, because obviously this is Denmark not Wellsville, and Danes will probably react differently to this situation than Spencer Felt would. And, seeing as we're all wearing tags and representing the Church of Christ and the Savior himself, this probably wasn't the time to be engaging in any kind of controversial behavior.

Sister Skousen was wrecked, we promised we'd take care of it, and killing it in public wasn't an option.

And that is the story of how I ended up calling an emergency hotline for a duck on the side of a road that just ended up flying away in the end after they told us we had to catch it so they could come and help it. Thank you for listening to my story. Never thought I would ever do that.

A lesson with Anne:

We had a great first lesson with a very kind woman named Anne Marie! She is so kind and loved hearing about the Restoration. It was really cool. We have another lesson this week and we're hoping it will go well.

Uneaten Lemon Bars:

Still no sign of life from Mona. She suggested that we meet up last Monday, but when we tried to pick a time she never texted back. Haven't heard from her since. We made some lemon bars before church and tried stopping by her place to coax her into coming with us, but no one answered the door.

A Road to Conversion:

We had a really cool experience the other day when we stopped a woman out on the street. She didn't realize who we were exactly, but she told us that she worked at a nursing home and is often around people when they pass away. She said that many times people want to hear something related to their faith. She said she had read to someone from the Book of Mormon and could see that it brought them so much peace. She said it was cool because she couldn't really understand what it meant, but she picked a page where she saw Jesus's name and could feel that there was something special. She had also been around the temple in Copenhagen quite a bit, and could feel that here was something special there.

Sadly she didn't agree to meeting, but she took a Book of Mormon! It's good to know I could be a part of her path. Every step forward counts.

Power Froskost:

We ate lunch with Pres and the Mrs. after church on Sunday. It was honestly so hyggeligt I love these people. They are the greatest and I'm gonna miss them so much.

Welp, I think that's it for this weeks adventures, Love you all!

Din mor er på universitetet💗

Med kærlighed til jer og til Kristus,

Søster Felt🇩🇰

Monday, October 12, 2020

Week 74 - I Have a Dream

Hello wonderful people!

This week was so good. I feel like it deserves a better word than good though, This week was so meaningful.

That feels better.

This week God showed me that He has a way of making things work out.

I can't believe I've been a missionary for seventeen months now. It seriously still feels like I just got off the airplane. I love Denmark and the people here!

- A traditional Danish Christmas dinner, followed by a powerful Restoration lesson, and a gift of tongues miracle where I found myself understanding Swedish thinking that it was just Danish the entire time.
- Meeting a previous member of the church while out knocking, and helping her feel the Spirit again for the first time in a while.
- My last zone conference! I bore my testimony, and finally got the chance to talk to my favorite people. It was so good.
-Finding miracles! We had so much success this week.
-Kebab, chocolate scones, hotdogs, snøfler, jordbærkage, og alt muligt. This is Denmark of course.
- Sister DeLanges birthday!!! She is 20 and I love her.
- A rescheduled baptism. Stay tuned.

Well all, it's not over yet. But I already shared my dying testimony this week so I feel like doing it again.

I know that it works.

When we apply Christ's teachings in our lives, he can transform us. I've seen it in my life, and in the lives of others. And because those teachings work, I know that Christ is my Savior. I know the Book of Mormon can give us peace and answers to our questions. I know this work is God's work.

Love you all!!

Med et smil på sit ansigt og et hjerte fyldt med kærlighed,

Søster Felt🇩🇰

Monday, October 5, 2020

Week 73 - Israel, Israel, God is Calling

This week was really good!

On Tuesday we had an interview with a student, from Odense in our church. That was way cool! He was super nice and down to chat. We also had a Bible study with this sweet girl Sherlynn, who we met on the street a week or two ago with sister Curtis. We also went contacting at the university in Lyngby and it went really well.

We had in person MLC in Odense on Wednesday. Seeing that my co-leader søster Hepworth is currently in Sønderborg on the other end of the country, I had to drive alone in a van with like 8 elders. It was terrifying. On that car ride I discovered just how horribly awkward I have become and how hilarious its going to be adjusting to normal life at some point. I'm going to have to laugh at myself a lot lol. The meeting went really well tho, the APs gave some really good trainings and so did President and Søster Olsen.

Thursday we had language study with a member, Lene, she is the sweetest thing ever oh my gosh I love her. Sadly she's moving to Slagelse, I'm gonna miss her so much!! Great place tho!

Friday was a day of finding, it was good tho! We treated ourselves with fredagslik at the end of the day😊

On Saturday we gave a church tour to a younger dude named Gustav, who was a referral from the APs, who also brought his friend Willis. They were way chill and had lots of questions. We worked our booties off and then watch conference during a delicious dinner of Hot Dogs and french fries. It was legendary.

On Sunday we did again a lot of finding, bit we were able to watch General Conference with Diana, a less active I worked with when I was here a year ago! She is so sweet and I love her. She spoiled us and it was so fun. It was good to be able to help her feel the Spirit in her home too.

After conference we were all literally on spiritual highs. We were losing our minds over how good it was. I got answers to questions I didn't even realize I had! Oh my gosh if you haven't seen it yet you have got to check it out. I'm telling you best thing ever.

^^there you go a link to free gold, have at it friends.

That is all for this week dudes. Hope all is well on the other side.

Davs gutter✌

Mkh, Søster Felt 🇩🇰

Monday, September 28, 2020

Week 72 - This Girl is on Fire

Everything is going good! We just had transfer calls and I'm staying in good ole Gladsaxe 2. Søster Curtis is header up to Fredericia and Søster DeLange and I are staying and getting søster Skousen. We're also still living in Copenhagen which is a total move.

Søster DeLange, Søster Felt, Søster Curtis

**this next portion is my google translated section from my email to president***
Last Friday while we were out to contact through our Facebook workshop, it was raining insanely much. There were no people out and it felt very pointless to try. However, we knew it was something we had to do. Therefore, we were out in the awful rain, looking for someone to talk to.

"There's probably something we can do," I thought. All of a sudden I remembered a woman living right on the street we were walking on. She was someone I met with Sister Webb more than a year ago. She was also one that I did not want to visit, which I had tried many times before and saw no success. She is fighting against some bad force and I just felt annoying every time I had tried to reach out to her.

I wish I could say that I recognized those thoughts as an encouragement from Heavenly Father. But really I just wanted to get rid of this rain XD we went to the cake house and bought a loaf of wine for her (That was the last excuse I could think of to visit her). We "buzzed" on her apartment, and were surprised when she opened the door for us! We quickly went up the stairs and found her standing in front of her door. She seemed very sad. "It has not been a good day," she said. "I'm in a lot of pain, and I'm on Morphine,"

We gave her the wine bread and asked if we could pray with her. She nodded and it was clear that she had a great desire for it. We prayed a prayer that she would feel comfort and feel her Savior with her. (She is already a believer and Jesus means a lot to her). After the prayer, she had tears in her eyes. She thanked us and we left. Later we saw that she posted a picture on Facebook of her wine bread, she said she knew it was a response from God.

I know that this rain was meant to be and that God cares for His children.

We just talked with Mona at Institute and she is determined to make the 10th happen. She is doing really great! Keep her and his in your prayers.


Søster Felt